Tap into your true self.
Classes and spiritual events are listed below.
Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) - The Premier Jewish Adult Education Provider.
Three courses per year, many of them Accredited. To read more and for the upcoming course please visit ChabadMadison.com/JLI.
Join us every Thursday for Talmud study with Sushi or other light dinner options. This is a beginners course and all are welcome. Email Director@YJPMadison.com for information.
Want to learn how to read Hebrew? Wish you knew the Alef Bet? In five classes you can master the language! That's a guarantee or your money back.
Women have been entrusted with the special Mitzvah of Family Purity and Mikvah, starting prior to their wedding. To learn the insights and laws of Mikvah before your wedding, contact Mushkie at Mushkie@YJPMadison.com or 608.520.7574
One-on-One Study
You choose the topic! Contact Director@YJPMadison.com to schedule a study session today.

Be a part of a unique and growing success story.
Young Jewish Professionals of Madison must rely on your generosity to continue its important and great work. Thank you!
Your gift, large or small, is greatly appreciated.
Join the Giving Nation - YJP Chai Club
Read more and sign up at www.YJPMadison.com/chaiclub
Dedicate a Class or Event
Have a special occasion you want to honor Jewishly? Yahrtzeit, birthday, promotion...
Sponsorship opportunities are available for our weekly classes and for our events.
Talk to us about connections that you believe could benefit our events, whether it be someone famous or influential, a venue, or a service. Whatever your connections, if you like what we do and want to help us to do it better, make a connection for us.
Parties, events, Friday night dinners, and holiday experiences. All great ways to meet and spend time with Jewish Young Professionals while thoroughly enjoying yourself.
Some of our highlights:
Chanukah Social at Ovation 309 - 250+ participants
Purim at Coopers Tavern - 150+ Costumed party goers
J-BIZ - 4 events with over 100 local business people.
Jewish Learning Institute (JLI)- 22 courses with over 500 students! Accredited for CEU, CME & CLE credits.
Shabbat at the Concourse Hotel with Holocaust survivor Mr. Ben Meyer